SDVOSB Materials, Technology & Supply LLC
Award Winning,100% Service Disabled, 100% Veteran Owned, Small Business
Building Through Innovation
SDVOSB (Service Disabled, Veteran Owned, Small Business) Laboratory (a division of award-winning SDVOSB Materials Technology & Supply LLC founded in 2017 with stable growth) is a Certified Diversity Supplier and digitally-driven integrator of laboratory and LabTECH Environment solutions to plan, design, integrate, and manage laboratory facilities, supplies and equipment in government science, research, healthcare, safety, and education markets. From pipettes to innovative Lab Safety and Virtual Reality (VR), AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices, we foresee our growing tech-rich network of industry professionals, industry-specific catalogs, e-commerce capabilities and supply-chain management services to enable our clients to procure and manage a broad mix of products supplied by SDVOSB Laboratory, third-party partners, and original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s).
We are a proven, full-service, Veteran Led, Laboratory Integrator and Diversity Supplier in this exciting market-sector. Our capabilities include:
Lab Safety Environmental Monitoring and Physical / Cyber Security Integration
Equipment sales and integration
Equipment management and updating
Lab Automation through robotics
Collaborative Laboratory communications Systems and Interactive Displays
Planning and consulting
Great Grandfather Harry
Grandfather Bill


France WWI
Afghanistan OEF

Past Project Experience of our Team:

Diversity Supplier Certifications
Health hospital
infection control
Hub Zone Laboratory
HUBZone Laboratory
SDVOSB laboratories
HUBZone lab
animal health
fume hood
thermo fisher scientific
Alternative DesignAnimal housing equipment, material handling equipmentBakerBiological Safety Cabinets, Clean Benches, Glove Boxes, IncubatorsBakerBiological Safety Cabinets, Clean Benches, Glove Boxes, Incubators
Animal Care SystemsVentilated Mouse & Rat Housing SystemsFollett/VectorIce Machines, Refrigerators, FreezersBenchmark ScientificBalances, Scales, Shakers, Mixers, Homogonizers, Hotplates, Stirrers
BakerBiological Safety Cabinets, Clean Benches, Glove Boxes, IncubatorsMemmertIncubators, Climate Chambers, Heating/Drying OvensConsolidatedAutoclaves/Sterilizers, Water Purification & Conservation Systems
Benchmark ScientificBalances, Scales, Shakers, Mixers, Homogonizers, Hotplates, StirrersMetroShelving, Carts, Mobile Work Centers, Storage SolutionsFollett/VectorIce Machines, Refrigerators, Freezers
BetterBuiltCage/Tunnel Washers, Automation, Bedding/Waste Delivery and Removal SystemsMieleGlassware & Undercounter WashersMemmertIncubators, Climate Chambers, Heating/Drying Ovens
ConsolidatedAutoclaves/Sterilizers, Water Purification & Conservation SystemsMopec/MortechMorgue & Pathology Equipment, RefrigerationMetroShelving, Carts, Mobile Work Centers, Storage Solutions
Follett/VectorIce Machines, Refrigerators, FreezersOHAUSBalances, Scales, Shakers, Mixers, Homogonizers, Hotplates, StirrersMieleGlassware & Undercounter Washers
MedresHumane Rodent Euthanasia SystemsSentry Air SystemsClass I Enclosures, PCR Hoods, Ductless Fume HoodsOHAUSBalances, Scales, Shakers, Mixers, Homogonizers, Hotplates, Stirrers
MemmertIncubators, Climate Chambers, Heating/Drying OvensTOMISteraMist Disinfection Systems, Activated Ionized H202Sentry Air SystemsClass I Enclosures, PCR Hoods, Ductless Fume Hoods
MetroShelving, Carts, Mobile Work Centers, Storage SolutionsTOMISteraMist Disinfection Systems, Activated Ionized H202
MieleGlassware & Undercounter Washers
Mopec/MortechPathology, Necropsy and Dissection Equipment
OHAUSBalances, Scales, Shakers, Mixers, Homogonizers, Hotplates, Stirrers
ParkBioGnotobiotic Isolators, Specialty Chambers and Carts
Sentry Air SystemsClass I Enclosures, PCR Hoods, Ductless Fume Hoods
SE Lab GroupAnimal Watering Systems
TOMISteraMist Disinfection Systems, Activated Ionized H202
Keywords:Incubator, centrifuge, autocalve, sterilizer, biosafety cabinet, fume hood, laminar flow hood, isolator, balance, scale, stirrer, shaker, homogonizer, refrigerator, freezer, cold room, environmental room/chamber, hotplate, glassware washer, shelving, icemaker, ultralow freezer, water bath, animal housing, animal runs, animal caging
"Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business" (SDVOSB) For a veteran who suffers a disability while in military service, the US Government has deemed it is its moral obligation to provide the disabled veteran a range of benefits designed to ease the economic and other losses and disadvantages incurred as a consequence of the disability, including business opportunities.

HUBZone is a United States Small Business Administration (SBA) program for companies that operate and employ people in Historically Under-utilized Business Zones (HUBZones).The primary goal of the program is to create incentives for the U.S. federal government to do contracting with businesses that operate and create jobs in communities with statistically proven economic needs.

Certified MWS-BE
In support for our communities, we are a SBA Certified HUBZone Business,
and are located in a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) QCT qualified tract.

Commercial | Industrial Certification

Forget Me Not

James Hendon, Director Emeritus of the New York University Veterans Future Lab, currently the New York City Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Services, and US Army Reserve (Lieutenant Colonel)
Harrison Kendall's SDVOSB Materials is a fast-growing procurement, logistics and installation company that is part of the Veterans Future Lab business incubator. Their mission to support Disabled Combat Veterans through company growth, job creation and training is one we are proud to support through our program.
DASNY (Dormitory Authority of the State of New York)
Thank you and your team for all the hard work and taking on this project at basically a moment’s notice. I know there were a lot of obstacles that were put in the way and I can imagine some frustrating events. I appreciate you guys reaching out to verify and inquire about all the uncertainties to make sure we were all on the same page
Elise Sutherland, Health Management Projects, Cerebral Palsy Associations of NYS
The quality of service and materials provided by your company ensured our ability to actualize our goal. We are grateful for your efficient, gracious customer service, the level of detail, collaboration, and accountability you have demonstrated regarding this intensely structured project. We could not conduct our business without you! Due to our positive relationship with you, we would most certainly like to continue our work together and recommend your service to other companies and contacts. Our team could not be more satisfied with your work, and we look forward to continuing this relationship!
DASNY (Dormitory Authority of the State of New York) & Capital District Youth Center, Albany NY
They did a great job and improved efficiency and cleanliness of the workspace since the first day.
Onur Oncer, Laboratory Manager (retired), University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) Lab at the Sarver Heart Center, and US Army Combat Veteran.
SDVOSB Materials gave us excellent service with an unparalleled solution for our lab, and they were great to work with.
I highly recommend Harrison and his team.